Stbrn Sal – Man On The Moon

I’ve always wondered what space looked like or even felt like, how the weather would be, the color of the planets, and even how the stars and sun align. As far as the moon, they say Neil Armstrong was the first to land on it, but I’m here to spill the beans. To put it nicely, history lied to you. Stbrn Sal, a Massachusetts-made individual, is the astronaut unappreciated. Turns out he makes music too and he’s pretty damn good at it. 


His psychedelic and euphoric sound tend to be the words I use habitually when describing his music. This type of method makes Strbn’s artistry valuable. It’s the sentimental feeling he bestows which makes it apparent that his style is distinctively juxtaposed to any artist within New England I’ve come across. His unique ability, production, and vocal resonance make his artwork out of this world. It feels Stbrn already anticipates a vibist emotion that he wants to give to his audience and it comes out elegantly. 


Maybe his maestro mindset comes from his instrument playing background. I got to interview Stbrn about what got him into music, and now looking back, it all makes sense. His music cognizance is on another level compared to many artists that fit in his category. Yet again, Stbrn Sal is a versatile musician. He can adapt to many different styles of music if he decided to. What’s amazing about Stbrn is alongside his vocal ability, he can also produce (where they do that at?). I’m fortunate to have seen Stbrn grow from the ground up and needless to say, the development has been substantial. At the end of the day, Stbrn needed to find his identity and it seems he’s found just that.


With his newest single, “Spirit of The Butterfly” featuring producer KZ and Massachusetts artist Star Ch!ld, it has shown the public exactly what Stbrn had to offer. Songs such as Moonlight H!ll, which was released prior, set the tone for the virtuoso. His creativity is something unfathomable. I can’t reveal too much, but when you’re able to create a beat from a pizza box, I mean that’s how you know. Where I’m from, we call those individuals different breeds. His talent is special and should be noteworthy within the music industry.  His aesthetic is exactly what they need.


If it hadn’t been apparent already, Stbrn Sal has more to offer in his trade of tricks. It’s a universal sound that has the longevity that everyone is looking for. Artists make art and he’s a quintessential example of that. I wish I had his musical intelligence, but see that’s the thing, it’s a rare installment for someone to have. It’s unusual to get talent such as his, and that’s why he needs this type of recognition. Here’s hoping, in the long run, I’m not the only one writing about the phenom. I wouldn’t be surprised if the mainstream media gets a hold of his gift real soon. He’s the man on a mission who eventually ended up on the moon. Crazy how they lied when they said the sky was the limit.


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